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It is a centre of interest with its long, sinuous and impeccable streets, that give a nice tour of the area.

Among the local celebrations, the most outstanding are the festivities of San Antonio de Papua, patron saint of Granadilla, on the second Sunday of June, where a massive pilgrimage takes place. In the area of Las Vegas, in the municipality’s highlands, the traditional and exotic Dance of the Poles (Danza de Varas) is celebrated, that is unlike any other of the island, where the dancers specially dress with determined colours, carrying decorated poles with curled papers, and dance to the rhythm of the repetitive music, weaving in and out of complicated figures.

The festivity of Our Lady of las Mercedes de Rojas, in El Médano, is the Sunday closest to September 24th, in which a curious maritime procession takes place.

Calendar of Popular Festivities in Granadilla de Abona
First two weeks in May San Isidro Labrador. San Isidro
First two weeks in June Crafts Fair
First two weeks in June Pilgrimage of San Antonio de Papua
July 16th Our Lady of Carmen. Chimiche
July 26th Santa Ana. Las Vegas ( Dance of the Poles)
August 25th San Luis, King of France. Charco del Pino
Third weekend in August Sample of the town’s Folk Lore. El Médano
Last week in August Our Lady of the Good Trip. Cruz de Tea
Second week in September San Blas. Los Abrigos
Last two weeks in September Our Lady of Las Mercedes. El Médano
October 12th Virgin of el Pilar. Chimiche. Dance of the Poles
December 18th Our Lady of La Esperanza. San Isidro
Cultural Interest Centres

Municipal Public Library

Phone: 922 759 995

Culture House of San Isidro

Phone: 922 759 995

Culture House of Chimiche

Phone: 922 759 995

Culture House of Charco del Pino

Phone: 922 770 689

Culture House of El Salto

María de Las Casas Cultural Centre. Municipal Music School

Phone: 922 772 804

Socio Cultural Place of Los Abrigos

Socio Cultural Place of Los Blanquitos

Socio Cultural Place of Atogo

Socio Cultural Place of Casa Blanca

Socio Cultural Place of Cruz de Tea

Historic Museum of Granadilla de Abona

Calle Arquitecto Marrero, 11

Phone: 922 770 362

Cultural Information Office: Culture Council of the Guildhall of Granadilla de Abona Phone: 922 759 995

Touríst Information Point. El Médano Plaza

Phone: 922 176 002

For Complete cultural information concerning Tenerife and the Canaries visit www.tenerifeculture.com


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